She is 11.5 lbs, (71%), and 24 inches (95%). The doctor said she looked great and to keep doing what we were doing.
While she is at the top percentiles for height and weight, she is at the bottom when it comes to head circumference. Even though the doctor wasn't concerned at all, I made the mistake of coming home and looking up "baby has small head" on the Internet. Big mistake, and I know better! We tell our families all the time at the hospital that there is anything and everything on the Internet. Luckily I talked to Jessica and she calmed me down. Before I talked to her, I was ready to drive Emma right back to the doctor's! So as long as she keeps meeting her milestones and her head doesn't start looking funny, I will wait until her 4 month doctor's appointment to talk more about it!
She also got 5 immunizations today - 2 shots in each leg and 1 oral. The nurse gave them as quickly as she could and Emma screamed while she was getting them but stopped as soon as I was holding her. She was so brave! The doctor expected her to be fussy, tired, and to have a slight fever today. So far no fever, and not too fussy, but very tired. She is waking up just to eat and then goes back to sleep. Here is her picture of what she has been doing all afternoon. (If you look closely you can see where they did 2 of her immunizations)

My beautiful baby girl. Grandma loves you and needs to hold you.
Love to mommy and daddy!!!
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This is to Emma from Aidan.... he says that he really needs to meet her in person and can not wait to play with her! By hte way, he really did type the first part.....tak to you soon :-)
Amanda and Aidan
Griff's head has always measured small but doc isn't concerned at all :) No worries! If she acts normal and is hitting milestones I am sure she is fine! Eeeek on the shots, no fun but sounds like she did great :)
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