She still has trouble holding them, but when she gets them they go straight to her mouth! The fun begins of making sure everything is extra clean and the dog toys are out of her reach!
On a side note, we are still struggling with nap time. After getting some great advice from my cousin Jenny and friend Becky, I noticed a common theme they both had is that they read the Baby Wise book. So off to the book store Emma and I went this morning. This week, I have really focused on having a more set routine for her, and started to feed her a little more to see if that would help keep her asleep before going to letting her cry. I do think that she wasn't getting enough in her bottles because since the increase she has become more smiley and talkative. But sadly, it didn't help with naps in her bed. She also started waking up a little more then normal during the night. They say that if your baby sleeps through the night early, they will start waking up again at around 3 months. This is because they are more aware of their environment and realize that mom or dad aren't with them. So it is time to teach her how to fall asleep on her own.
So the rest of this week we will continue working on our schedule and I will start to read the book. Then officially Monday will be the start to a long week. Wish us luck. I'll let you know how it goes!