Here is the most recent picture of our little one! We had our genetics appointment today and everything looked great. This appointment looked for heart defects, downs syndrome and Trisomy 18. From looking at the ultra sound alone, they said everything looked great and we have a 70% chance that our baby won't have these. They also did some blood work and as long as that comes back ok, we move up to 85% that the baby won't have these birth/chromosome defects.
The people at the doctors were very nice. We got some really great views of our little one. The baby seemed to always have one hand waving at us and the other behind it's head. The legs pretty much stayed crossed at the ankles until the ultra sound tech made the baby mad by pushing hard on the ultra sound wand and moving it back and forth really fast. She said they did this to make sure the baby has movement in it's arms and legs. And boy was the baby mad! The arms started waving, the legs became outstretched, and the little body moved up and down! Not only did we get to see our baby move, but we also got a really good look at one of the legs. We could see the upper leg, the knee, and then the little foot. It's amazing the difference in just 5 weeks. No longer our little gummy bear!
The place gave us quite a few pictures (my favorite are the profile), and even a video of the whole visit. When you look at the picture, the thing that is above the belly, close to the nose/mouth - that is the hand!
WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! That is such a cool ultrasound pic! Any idea what the sex is??? I say girl!
Nope, it looks like a boy!
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