Other then being tired, I have been feeling pretty good. Nausea comes and goes, but nothing horrible. Eating has been kind of an experience. I'll feel hungry, but nothing really sounds good. I think I also have become sensitive to salt and spices. I will eat certain foods and think they taste like someone dumped the salt shaker on to it, but Robert says it tastes like it always does. Robert and I have both been reading pregnancy books. We went to the bookstore and each got a serious one and a funny one. Robert is already convinced it is a boy and lets me know it any chance he gets. We go to our first doctor visit on Tuesday and both are excited to hear/see the heart beat, and I'm anxious to find out exactly how far along I am.
Robert finally got to do his discover scuba diving class on Saturday. He has always wanted to take lessons and the Sports Chalet by us offers them. Before you sign up for the class you can take a free discovery class to see if it is something you think you would like. We both signed up for it, but I will have to wait and do it after the baby gets here. Studies are inconclusive when it comes to scuba diving and pregnancy...but between the pressure of being in that deep of water, and something that happens to the oxygen you breath when you are that deep, the general consensus is no diving while you are pregnant.
Robert loved it and can't wait to start taking the class. He said it is a little different at first, but after about 20 minutes he had the hang of it. The only thing he isn't sure of is if he should go ahead and take it now, or wait and take it together. He is already trying to figure out excuses to take the discover class again. So if anyone is interested, you wouldn't have to ask him twice to take it with you! Here are some pictures from the class.

I will babysit. When you take your lessons.
Love you both.
I have been waiting for an update!! Pregnancy is a trip. You will see! I can't wait until you have a belly to show off, yayy :)I am not pregs but we are sure trying to be! We have been trying for about 3 months now and it only took one month to get pregs with Griff so we will see what happens. I HOPE you are having a boy :) They rule.
Yeah...congrats to the parents to be! How exciting, a baby on the way! I hope you're feeling OK and getting all the naps you can get, the tiredness will pass eventually.
I'm so happy for you guys, I love the updates on the page too, it's a great way to keep in touch.
Talk to you soon.
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