Since we bought a house so close to the wedding, we decided that it would be best if we put the honeymoon on hold for a little bit. We still each took the week off of work after the wedding and even took a day trip up to Sedona.

It was a beautiful day and we just walked around the town. Going in and out of the shops, sampling fudge, and walking along the creek. It was a great day! But the search was on for a snow globe! I thought this would be a simple thing to find. Boy was I wrong! It kind of turned into a joke and our day was consumed with looking for a stupid snow globe. (Robert found his shot glass in the first store we went into!) The problem was we kept finding these little things that were filled with sand and they said Arizona on them. Nothing said Sedona. Plus I didn't want a SAND globe! I wanted the pretty glitter/snow that I could shake up and watch fall! Others that we found were the cheap plastic ones that had the water and glitter, but they also said Arizona on the inside of the globe. Part of my problem with these is that I have seen them in Walgreens in the Arizona aisle. So finally one of the last stores we went into, after all the other stores were closed for the day, I found one of the "sand" globes that said Sedona on it. I guess we are in Arizona and the sand was more realistic then the I bought it.
We finally found some shelves and area in the house to display our traveling treasures. This is what it looks like:
Kind of bare huh?! Every time I walk by it I think to my-self "we need to take more trips" So hopefully in the very near future we can do something about this problem!!!
I can't believe we are married women and I am a freakin mom, crazzzzzy. You and Rob look happy and so cute! I can't believe you guy's up together, I am SO glad :)
I meant to say ended up, haha :)
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