Ready to go!
My brother has the XBox kinect. It is there version of the Wii. The main difference between the two is you don't have to have a remote control. There is a sensor that knows what your body is doing. It was a lot of fun, and Emma even joined in. I don't think it will be too much longer that one finds its way into our house!
This is my cousin Kyle. Emma decided to latch onto him for the night. She kept saying his name, wanted him to hold her, and even snuggled up to him. Very unusual for her, but very cute!
Time to open presents!
This year, we decided to do our main Christmas Shopping for The Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders at Phoenix Children's Hospital. (Where I use to work) We then got a small gift for a boy or a girl, based on which one you were. Emma had fun drawing the names out to see whose turn it was to get a present.
Robert would like me to point out that this picture was taken out the end of the night, in the middle of him and my brother playing track and field on the xbox. He is arching his back, his stomach doesn't REALLY look like that!
Christmas morning started out with a little bit of playing with her new toys, and then on to opening more presents!
Bubble Bath!
New necklaces!
Playing with some of her new toys while we were waiting for the cinnamon rolls to cook.
After a much needed nap, we headed over to Robert's dad's house to continue with the festivities.
One more last quick play before we loaded the car.
Grandpa and Grandma Chris got her this cute new bike!
My mom had gotten Robert this Bean Bag toss game. We decided to take it over with us to check it out. The boys had fun playing, and Emma had fun taking all the bean bags out and running them over to the other side!
Robert got a new smoker!
Today, Emma and I are still in our PJ's. We have taken down all of our Christmas Decorations, and Emma did pretty good with it. We did a lot of saying good bye, so we will see how she does when she wakes up. We have played with all of her new toys, I am still working on cleaning, and Robert is getting the smoker ready to smoke some fish. Should be yummy!
Can you see the bruise by her nose? I think she is working on getting her morals, so she wasn't in the greatest of moods yesterday. She through a HUGE fit while I was changing her into her pj's last night. She was holding a snowman decorations and decided she was going to throw it. Since she was laying down, it rolled off her hand and onto her face. As much as I hate that she got hurt, maybe she will think twice before she throws something because she is mad!