Jessica was in town from Las Vegas, and we were able to spend some time with her and her mom on Friday. It is hard to believe, but she has never met Emma, and I was excited to see her for the first time since she became pregnant. Of course she looks great, and it was so good to catch up with her.
Here is Emma right before we left. Grandma got her this outfit from the Gap. Isn't it adorable?! This is the first time she has actually posed for the camera. When she sees a camera, she will say "cheese", but this posing was new!
Saturday we had Gary, Chris, Kevin, and Sandy over to celebrate Gary's birthday. Emma hadn't quite woken up from her nap yet, so it took her awhile to warm up; but we had a great evening visiting and eating yummy food.
Fall snack mix that I had to make after I saw Jessica's (Jessica Bryson)
Grandpa needed a new picture for his desk
Emma giving Grandpa his presents!
We had yummy salmon, twice baked potatoes and salad!
Present time!
Sandy got him fun fireworks
A new mouse pad for Grandpa's desk!
On Sunday, Robert went to play golf, so we headed over to my mom's house to visit with my grandma. It was the first time I had seen her since her last hospital stay, and I am happy to report that she looks great!
Thanks to everyone for a great last couple of days.
This week, our week will be filled with story time and getting ready for Halloween!