Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Surfin' Tummy Time
Grandma and Grandpa Green got Emma this cute surf board to help her with tummy time. We had fun with it, but I think she needs to get a little bigger to fully enjoy it!

Monday, May 25, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Newborn Pictures!
Hey everyone!
Emma's newborn pictures are up! Go to www.cariefrabotta.com
Click on Client Preview
The password is Emma (make sure the E is capitalized)
Enjoy the slide show! (it may take a minute to load)
Emma's newborn pictures are up! Go to www.cariefrabotta.com
Click on Client Preview
The password is Emma (make sure the E is capitalized)
Enjoy the slide show! (it may take a minute to load)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Playing And Tummy Time
I can't believe another week is almost over and Emma will be 2 weeks old tomorrow. We have had a good week. Just trying to get into our new routine and trying to figure out Emma's cues. She is having more awake time and opening her eyes fully. And when she does, they are the biggest eyes! She has these huge beautiful deep blue eyes right now. I am thinking that because they are so dark, they will probably turn brown like her daddy's. For some reason, I am having a hard time catching them with the camera.
We have had some fussiness, but now I am starting to wonder if she is growing and just wants more food; and bedtime is always interesting. Most of the time her and I wind up falling asleep in the lazy boy and she will finally go into her bed at about 3am. Oh well. We'll get there.
During her alert times we have started doing some tummy time. She does pretty well with it. She will kick her legs and hold her head up and move it from side to side. She is pretty strong! When we use the boppy for tummy time, she kicks her legs so hard she almost tumbles over! "Play time" doesn't usually last too long. It is usually no longer then 5 minutes and then she is done with it!
Enjoy the pictures!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Already a Week Old!
Robert and I can't believe that Emma is already a week old. Everything is going well. She is a good baby that really only seems to cry for a purpose. That being said, we have had a handful of sleep less nights! Robert and I took turns with these, but next week it will just be me. We are both sad that he has to go back to work next week. I could cry just thinking about it! (I'm sure that is also the hormones also!)
We have had a busy week full of visitors, doctor's appointment, and Emma's first photo shoot.
The doctor's appointments went well. She does have a slight case of jaundice, so we had to get more labs done and went back to the doctor today for a weight check. The labs were on the border, so we will give her some vitamin D drops and put her by the window for some sun bathing. On her first doctor's appointment she weighed 7 lbs 5 oz, and today she was 7 lbs 7 oz. The doctor's would have liked her to gain one more once, but weren't too concerned about it. Next time, I think we will give her her bottle BEFORE the appointment!
Emma got to play model yesterday for her newborn pictures. The pictures were all done with her naked, so we had a couple of bathroom issues. Those aside, the session went great and we can't wait to see the pictures. Carie did a sneak peek for us on her blog. You can check it out HERE. Emma's is the second picture in the post.
Here are some pictures of what has happened this week. I have to warn you though, we have taken lots of pictures, and I couldn't just post a couple. Enjoy!
Tiny toes and fingers
Jessica and Sophia came over to say hi. Emma had the same outfit that Sophia had on, so we couldn't resist dressing Emma in it and taking some pictures. Sophia is 2 weeks old and Emma is 4 days old. By the looks of this picture, those numbers should be reversed! I am sure this will be the first of many play dates!

First Bath
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Welcome to the World Emma Grace!
She is here! Our beautiful little girl was born Friday, May 8. We are so happy and amazed everyday by her! There is much to update and plenty of pictures. Every couple of days, I'll try and do a post to get caught up on everything. But first thing is first - The Birth and Hospital Story!
As mentioned in the previous post, I had a doctor's appointment on Thursday and things were still up in the air as far as when she could decide to come. I was back to being worried about how late I would go. Little did I know, that was the last thing I needed to worry about! I started having contractions at 7 that night. They were definitely stronger and longer then I had felt before, so I figured these were something I needed to pay attention to. Robert was still at work, so I called my mom to get her opinion. She thought I needed to write down the times each one happened at so I could keep track. We pretty much stayed on the phone until Robert came home! I called Robert at work to see what time he thought he might be home. I told him I was having contractions and they were anywhere from 5 minutes apart to 10-15 minutes apart. Robert got home around 9 and things were pretty much the same. At about 11 we wound up calling the on call doc to see what his opinion was. We didn't want to head to the hospital to be told to go back home! The doctor said that it sounded like this was the real thing, but that we still had a couple of hours before we even had to start thinking about heading to the hospital. So the timing continued and we both decided to take showers just in case. While I was in the shower they all of the sudden started coming very quickly (about every 2-3 minutes) and very strong. I thought maybe it was just because I have been standing, so I decided to sit down. They still came. By this time, it was about 1am Friday morning. I told Robert that when he was done eating, I thought we needed to head to the hospital. So off we went. We got there about 2, and I was 6 cm dilated, 100% effaced. They said I probably had another 4 hours to go, and most first time moms push for about 2-3 hours. So with having 6 hours still to go, I decided on the epidural! Things got moving pretty quickly because the nurses didn't think they would have time to get everything done before Emma would make her removal. Little did they know that Emma would decide to take her own sweet time. Since I thought we would be done with everything by 8am, all of our text messages and calls to family and friends gave the impression that she was going to be here in the next couple of hours. My mom even wound up coming down to the hospital around 3am. She was worried that she was going to miss it! We caused some worry when they still hadn't heard from us by noon. (sorry about that!). I sat at 9 cm for 3 hours, and finally at 12, I was ready to start pushing. Emma was born at 1:40 weighing 7lbs 10oz and 20 inches long. All of the grandparents were able to be there and were the first to get to meet her. The rest of the hospital stay went well. We had a little scare with her blood sugar that first night, but she is just fine and a healthy baby. Since she was doing so well (and the labor wound up being long enough for them to give me an extra bag of an antibiotic I needed), they surprised us and gave us the option of leaving on Saturday. We jumped at the chance! We were glad to have people we can ask questions too every time she hiccuped or looked cross eyed, but were very happy to be heading home and being in our own house. Enjoy the hospital pictures!
Dad, Grandpa, and their little girl
Meeting Uncle Josh
Meeting Uncle Darren
Great Grandma!
Our happy (and tired!) little family!
She's so advanced! Not even out of the hospital and already found her thumb!
Going home!
On our way!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Big Numbers, But Doesn't Necessarily Mean Much
I just got back from my doctor's appointment. I am 4 cm dilated and 90% effaced! I would think that with these numbers I could be having her tonight, but the doctor said that unfortunately there is still just no way to tell. He said that she is definitely trying to do something, but there is always the possibility of things just stopping. He said that if I make it to my next appointment on Thursday, they would schedule me to be induced. With these numbers and the fact that I have started having contractions and cramping, I would like to think I won't make it to Thursday, but I guess we will just have to wait and see!
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